If it's free, gimme three.
Whatever, I do what I want!
People will take care of their kids and their cars.
Parenting a child is the hardest – and most expensive – job in the world. Parents invest more than the general public, and thus are more motivated to make careful and conscientious decisions about healthcare.
Our current system "taxes" parents in the form of higher premiums for their children's health care, despite the fact that children cannot contribute financially to the family.
When a person doesn't have to invest in a project to reap the rewards, they won't.
Our current system allows people to use services without a judicious approach to conservation and responsibility.
We live in the greatest country on Earth because we have liberty in choosing what we feel is best for us. The flip side is equally true. We also have the choice to make dumb decisions about our own health and welfare.
Our current system endorses a dependent relationship between patient, provider, and facility rather than a working partnership between the three. While the Affordable Care Act was a good attempt, forcing people to buy a commercial product treads on individual liberty.
No one is born with a Risperdal deficiency.
You can do anything you set your mind to.
The human race landed a satellite on a moving comet in outer space. Surely, we can figure out a healthcare system for the greatest country on the planet.
Our current health care system promotes a sense of helplessness and limits creativity in finding a practical solution.
Medications are a great tool for the clinician to use in alleviating pain, infection, and disease.
Our current system creates barriers between clinicians and patients by manipulating the price of medications and misrepresenting their indications.
Businesses exist for one purpose:
to make as much money as possible.
There is no such thing as crazy.
The health care system is broken.
Never put the fox in charge of the henhouse.
Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.
Meaningful change to the health care system should come from those that create and manage the care. Recent research suggests that if doctors were in charge, we might actually save the system money.
Our current system asks health insurance companies to be in charge of making health care more affordable. Unfortunately, they have no incentive to keep costs down because insurance companies will always pass higher costs onto the patient via premium increases.
But ball all those fingers into a fist, and you can strike a mightly blow.
Effie, we all got pain!
Everyone goes through something adverse in their lifetime; most of us can overcome it with the treatments and coping skills we have at our disposal.
Our current system is inappropriately reactive to mental health concerns, and using "crazy" prevents us from tackling a difficult issue directly.
Health care providers are trained and licensed individually and take individual responsibility for the outcome of their actions.
Our current system allows insurance companies to make decisions for patients and push health care providers into financially risky and morally dubious positions.
Health care providers spend a lot of money on continuing education, and costs for maintaining licensure increase yearly.
Our current system pays providers for services rendered. This creates a perverse incentive resulting in some providers offering treatment options that fill their pocketbooks at the expense of their patients and the system.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Capitalism depends on the "haves" and the "have nots". The gap between them drives the economy forward using the exchange of money as the ultimate motivating force. Yet basic health care is something that everyone should "have" regardless of income.
Our current health system muddies the water between basic rights and privileged healthcare, and everyone suffers as a result.
The American brand of democracy is great: majority rules, but if there is a question of a fundamental right, the minority can prevail. The power of the ogranized group in America is almost limitless.
Our current system has been usurped by powerfully rich insurance companies that have organized to keep us tethered to a product they sell. Despite the majority of Americans wanting access to quality healthcare, it will never happen with a third party payor involved.
Emergency care can cost 300-700 percent more than outpatient care. "Medical homes" provide a model for integrated care where lifelong partnerships between providers and patients are created.
Our current health care system allows ready use of emergency resources for non-emergent concerns.
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
With an energetic public health system and world class research, Americans know how to prevent many diseases, control chronic issues, and provide palliative solutions.
Nevertheless, our current health care system drives providers toward reactive treatment, drives patients to reactively seek help when the problem is much worse than it was, and proactively drives facilities to overbuild – all of which drive up the cost of health care.
Pain comes in all forms: mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. One perspective on pain is that it helps a person identify an area of personal stress.
Our current health care system strives to stamp out pain rather than learn from it and defeat it at its source. This frenzied approach leads to more problems and promotes reaction rather than proactive responses.
The first step is admitting that you have a problem.
Denial can be a very powerful motivator in maintaining the status quo. Sometimes it can be temporarily helpful, but often times it leads to long-term concerns of becoming entrenched and harder to change.
Our current health care system is used by people in denial. Many Americans feel it is the best and only way to deliver care, and to attempt to change it is impossible. Until every American wakes up and admits that the delivery system is broken, the status quo won't change.