Review: "Some Firms Save Money By Offering Employees Free Surgery" - NPR
To what depths will our insanity go? Michael Tomsic's article was well written and sad. Very sad.
Q: "But what about people who still can't afford healthcare?"
This question has been posted time and again by different people; they all seem worried about people who can't afford healthcare in our...
Review: "Supreme Court Strikes At States' Efforts On Health Care Transparency" - NPR
This was a "wtf" article published by Charles Ornstein for ProPublica and distributed via NPR.
Review: "Medical Bills Still Take A Big Toll, Even With Insurance" - NPR
This was published by Alison Kodjak of NPR on 3/8/2016
Q: "Have you hired protection yet?"
This question was posed to me by a fellow psychiatrist whom I deeply respect. I fully understand where the question comes from: when...
Active Learning: Find the medical subversion
Today, I am launching a new blog heading called "Active Learning." I'm ripping off the idea from a requirement we had in college wherein...
Review: "People with Minor Injuries are Increasingly Getting CT Scans." - NPR
Nancy Shute published this article for NPR on 1/19/2016
Q: "Did you hear what Martin Shkreli said?"
This question was posed to me by a friend. My answer: "of course I did." His response: "that guy's an asshole." My response: "maybe,...
Review: "Debate Sharpens Over Single-Payer Health Care, But What Is It Exactly?" - NPR
This was a post by Julie Rovner on 1/22/2016 in collaboration with Kaiser Health News.
Q: "Do you have your confirmation number?"
This was the question I was asked by the front desk staff of a hotel nestled amongst the goliaths of the Texas Medical Center. Last...