Q: If you cause the cost of drugs to plummet, pharma won't spend money on R&D, right?
"If you cause the cost of drugs to plummet, pharma won't spend money on R&D, right?" This was a question from another anonymous post, but...
Q: So I looked at your plan; why should providers be on salary?
"So I looked at your plan; why should providers be on salary?" This was a question posed by an anonymous person in a forum I chat on....
Q: But why make it state-dependent?
"But why make it state dependent if you're advocating for a single payor?" This question was submitted by a friend and accountant. A...
Q: Is brand medically necessary?
"If people knew how much time we spent on stuff like this, it would blow their minds." This conversation was had between me and a fellow...
Q: Then who's going to pay for medicines?
"The costs of medications are so high. Who's going to pay for people to get their meds?" This question was posed to me by someone who...