Q: "Where are you?"
Active Learning: Go chat with your local drug rep
Review: "Overcrowding Forces Tennessee VA Clinics to Stop Accepting New Patients" - NPR
Review: "Some Firms Save Money By Offering Employees Free Surgery" - NPR
Q: "But what about people who still can't afford healthcare?"
Review: "Supreme Court Strikes At States' Efforts On Health Care Transparency" - NPR
Q: "Have you hired protection yet?"
Active Learning: Find the medical subversion
Review: "Debate Sharpens Over Single-Payer Health Care, But What Is It Exactly?" - NPR
Q: "Am I crazy?"
Q: "If you make it mandatory, people will hate that."
Review: "Medical Bills Still Take A Big Toll, Even With Insurance" - NPR
Q: "Where have you been? I haven't seen a blog in a while?"