Review: "Patients Want To Price-Shop For Care, But Online Tools Unreliable" – NPR
This was another fantastic article from NPR today, written by Elana Gordon. In this article, real Americans with real jobs and real...
Review: "Blue Cross Blue Shield reports $265M net surplus and CEO bonus" – Detroit Free Pr
This was an article written by JC Reindl for the Detroit Free Press and reposted on Facebook by a surgeon friend of mine, Tray See. The...
Review: "Confusion And High Costs Still Hamper Obamacare Enrollment" – NPR
This story came from NPR's Fred Mogul. As much as I love the President (and I do; I'm an unabashed Obama-loving Texan), putting the foxes...
Review: "Obamacare Deploys New Apps, Allies to Persuade the Uninsured" – NPR
This interview was posted on NPR's Morning Edition by Alison Kodjak. The push to obtain insurance is a red herring because insurance does...
Q: What if people move out of state?
"What if people move out of state?" Knowing that Americans are more mobile than ever, this question arose from a friend who wonders how...